Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Into The Future!

Well It has been a little bit since I posted something. I've been noodling on this sketch off and on this past week. Its time to put it down. I though it would be a fun break from other things going on. Intuous 3/CS3

In other news Ratchet and Clank a Crack in Time has been out since late October. I've played through the whole thing myself and its very entertaining. For the first time I've been on the other side of development, and have been able to see some things I, and others designed. I was able to work some amazing talent during the project in-house as well as contract. A trend that will continue into the future!

In the mean time, heres some more doodles:

This guy was suppose to be up with the last batch:

First CS4 Sketch:

CS3 is fine.

"Pen Sketches"

So I've mentioned here and there that I often do a lot of pen sketches. For these I used a uniball Pen on straight printer paper. These doodles occupied time in between work and fun. I've filled up many pages, but have no aquired a small sketchbook to keep with me so I can keep things focused. For these I just corrected a few lines in photoshop, as well as erased some of the excess so you can actually see the lines that matter, as well as added some light sources so the forms are more apparent.

That's it for now... more stuff to come soon. Happy Holidays Everyone! Travel Safe!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sketch Dump and Other News

Multi-Purpose Mech

Fat Plane

Deep Research

Space Cargo

Semi Plane

Rocket Bee

Small Carrier

Hey everyone! So it has been quite some time since I posted. Things have been pretty busy at work, as at the end of next month we release our game!! In the mean time, as things have been winding down, I've had some time here and there to study various art and machinery and things. Finding some time here and there over the last few weeks ive done some sketching, of the sketching these got a layer of value and some clean up.

My favorite is definitly 'Fat Plane' . He started as a very quick scribble and turned into .. pretty much what the scribble was. Since I've been doing so much drawing at work, and of course being around insainly good artists / co workers, ive been able to take many things ive learned and put them into sketching and drawing in general. We dont have forever to do something at work, so thinking quickly and producing something that is legiable, and tells a story on its own is key. I have really gotten into sketching ideas out in pen, and then re drawing them digitally, pen means less chance for chance, more focused thought. Though all of these where digital (intous 3 action), I had a shape or subject in mind when i started, and as soon as a half decent shape was present it was done, just layered on some details and functionality and tada! Fat Plane!

Ratchet and Clank!

I also need to give a shout out to the awesome team I work with! Our concept team, and art team, and everyone else in the company has done a great job in bringing the game together! I have learned far more then I ever thought I would in an insainly short amount of time. Go team Insomniac!

Heres a trailer that pretty much demonstrights the amount of awesome that goes into making a game like this:

Also this on is my favorite:

Kudos to our animation team for that one! totally awesome.

I am also very excited for the host of other games coming out this fall, though who knows when I'll have time to play them as I plan on taking another class, and drawing, a lot.

Good Night and Good luck!


Monday, March 9, 2009


Another one for now... hopefully ill get more done before an upcoming trip. This was pretty fun. I already have another few sketched out, we'll see what i can get done.

SCAD STUDENTS - GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINALS!!!! and goodluck to everyone else in general.

Monday, March 2, 2009

This week...

So this weekend Khang Le gave a lecture/demo at the Concept Design Academy. I had originally done some other peices for my class with James Paick. After Khang's demo I scrapped them and started two new ones. It was a combination of burst of creativity as well as oh man Khang is awesome. I might rehash parts of the other two at this point, but for now this is good enough.

Until nextime, goodnight!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Back In Class

Im taking Jame's Paicks class again to get a better grasp of the subject matter. This term he is having us move much faster then before. So far so good, the first one was slightly revised after an in class crit/draw over he did.

Other then that things at work are going well. I really enjoy what im doing, as well as everyone i work with. Take care!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hello everyone! for those who don't know, about 4 weeks ago started at Insomniac Games as an Associate Concept Artist. This is basically a junior level concept artist position. It has so far been totally amazing. I know I really lucked out, though it was the result of lots of sacrifice, moving to LA, taking several months of classes, and no clear outcome in site. Fortunately, it more then paid off. I am very happen where I am, and have some amazing talent around me to learn from. Jackpot. Really though it is very fun, they have you hit the ground running, and its been both exciting and relatively manageable. I now get paid to draw all day, specifically scifi oriented stuff. Dream job achieved!

You can do anything you want, if you are ready to find out what you need to know, and what you need to do, and then go do those things.

And Now here's some sketches I've been doodling, I mostly do them for fun now:

Also Happy new year everyone! have fun!!