So here we have a collection of images i've been noodling away on after work when I have time. Things have been very busy at work as we approach the launch date for Resistance 3 (9/6/11) as well as production of Overstrike. These where started at various times and other then the last landscape I concider these to be 'done' or rather im not going to work on them anymore.
Also for resistance there have been a TON of great previews coming out from all over the web. IGN has a nice preview (
here) as well as a neat article describing R3 as "The Road" of video games (
We are very excited to see how everyone responds to the game, though I'll say of the games I've worked on so far in the industry, I am the most proud of this one, all Insomniacs should be proud! Also, currently playing the only beta, super fun.
Also Also went to E3 this year, saw a lot of neat games, but seriously, most excited for Sonic Generations. All the power of modern consoles, going into revisiting the classic game play we know and love that is Sonic the Hedgehog. And of course Battlefeild 3.
Take care until next time!
Bonus! Original tank sketch and Golf cat!